Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Update log 72136.9001

Yo! so it's time for our monthly posting...mainly because if we stop posting most of you would forget that we're alive...So many of you might now we passed by the SC on our way to Bahamas for two quick days, and our best souvenir is a picture of Amelia on our fridge. (just so you know the Bahamas are way overrated.) 
So i was talking yesterday with Walter and Austin and something i realized i forgot to share (mainly because i think whatever is in my mind leaks to everyone else) came up. I mentioned in a previous post that CitiVision and Sheng Tai Studios are working with a non-profit from Dallas called Heart of a Champion to start a character development program in the fall with 2 public schools in our community. Well one of the schools i've had the pleasure of meeting with the principle, Dr. Drysdale, on two occasions now. She is a very energetic and fun lady who is ecstatic about the program and martial arts. So that being said, last summer the Next Level (missions experience i'm working with this summer) had teams go in and paint class rooms in the school and this was the beginning of our relationship with her and that schools. The class rooms are very nice blues and greens.

So while we were meeting with Dr. D, we asked what we could do for her and she told me they didn't have A\C! i said what! 20+ class rooms with no A\C and they have summer school all year round, and the windows only open 6 inches and they are on the top floor of a 4 story building = HOOOOTTTT! I couldn't believe it and we said, "Okay, we'll get you A\C's" but were all three of us thinking..."where the heck are we going to get 20 something A\C's for this school..."

So we left later that day from the meeting and Austin went by the World Vision storehouse in the South Bronx. This is a warehouse full of stuff for ministries and organizations free of charge provided by World Vision. And he was talking with the director over there as they were walking through the place and he goes, (the director to Austin) "man we got this huge shipment of A\C's today and i don't know what we're going to do with them." Austin proceeded to pass out on the floor and get a rather nasty concussion, where he had to be rushed to the hospital for a frontal lobotomy. He's now fine, but has found he has super psychic powers and is currently fighting crime at night when he's not preparing very nicely done Excel sheets for the ministry. Ok well that last part was made up, but the A\C stuff is true.

So amazing how God provided for this School! Whoo!

We things are good here except it was 70 when we left for Bahamas and has consistently been 50's since we got back...other things of interest, we are almost ready to start the Next Level (TNL) the last day of this month. This will be Austin and I's first time leading teams for TNL so be in prayer for us, we are doing a lot with Wallace (aka Walter) for training and it should all go well but we have redesigned the implementation of the program so it should be interesting. We are hosting 12 teams over 8 or 9 weeks. We've never done this before, but with the three of us it should work. Plus we are praying to get 4 interns in July to help as well as Seacoast's very own Caroline to help with photographing June. These are big helps so pray they come through.

Other news, Walter and Victoria are pregnant with #3. Pray walter doesn't run himself ragged this summer just because he's used to it being hectic in the past. we've got a pretty good plan with the three of us. Tammy is rocking the face off of the hospital staff. She constantly gets words of thanks and confidence from the staff there. She is really a tremendous example of positivity and hard work. they way a nurse should be. Just last night the surgical team was coming down to pick up a patient and found our that the patient was Tammy's and they (surgeons, attending, surgical nurses, etc) told her they were glad she had their new patient b\c she always takes care of all the testings that need to be done and get them the patients on time. That may not sound like much, but it's surprising how little teamwork there seems to be in the medical field. So she is being a huge min
ster to the people she works with.

On another note please be praying for our friends Joey, Celenia, and their runt Millania. Joey  has been pursuing his own business since leaving CitiVision (he was TNL guy before me for 2 years) and because of economy, business is slow. so that's stressful for them and Celly has gone back to school to finish her degree, so all that is a challenge. Plus little Millania. so thanks for that.

Well i have to go do my studio office work. Hooray for quickbooks and coffee shops! We love you guys all. and if your bored and want to see me sound professional (unlike in the photo) check out the studio website, www.shengtaistudios.com

hugs and boogers,