Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's another morning

Sooo...I was supposed to go train this morning but when I woke up and was doing my morning deal my rosacea starting itching like a baby with chicken pox in a swap full of Mosquitos. I didn't like it and I knew if I trained it would only aggregate it. But at least I got up so I sat down in the big green chair that Tammy swears I jeep trying to get rid of (but I don't mother and please no apologies for the genetic gift of rosacea. It's not going to kill me so it'll only make me a stronger person) and did some studying.

I'm going through Tim Keller's and Redeemer's church planting manual. Currently I'm looking at the biblical foundation for church planting and fashion of a new church. He had a great three points on basic necessities for a plant. 1) know the Gospel -thoroughly - communicate not a click to liscence and not a click to law. 2) know the culture - adapt not too much or too little. 3) love your city.

Keller spends some good time going through Acts 2:40-47 and looking at the foundation and structure of the early church. This was a really good section that I really enjoyed.
Walter and I are conferencing tonight to get our working mission statement or essay on the church format so we can present it to MBC's elder board and our advisory board for them to look over and sign off on.

Until next time.

-- Post From A Ninja On The Move

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