Saturday, December 13, 2008

Back in NY take 2...

Okay so I just lost my first post due to technological screw ups and operational stupidity. I just found the save button. So now back to my entire post rewrite project.

I and doing this for my buddy Carl...

...who tells me he needs more to read on his lunch breaks. And I have found a lovely appliction for my phone that allows me to blog on the go. God bless Steve Jobs and the joys of technology in general.

So we just came back from a quick trip back to the SC. Which was great. We got to see the family, eat at restaurants, and hang with hommies...

So we got there thanks to Mr Howard and Caroline and stand by delta flights. So thanks a ton to him for that and to Caroline for hooking it up.

We returned safely and went straight back to the grind. I have off today from teaching so went to target to get the necessities...Christmas gifts and water filters. Of course thanks to MTA bettering our train ways, I had to go to 242nd to get to 225th for my Target shopping. The uptown 1 is skipping all stops from 207-242nd. So how does one get to a stop you ask? Go to the end of the line and catch the downtown train. Thanks MTA, you just helpped me blog.

When I got off the train to go to the targét I helpped an older lady carry her cart down the stairs from the train. Man I'm a nice guy, helping old ladies, make people smile, helping new yorkers everywhere get a slighty better rep.

But later another older lady was walking up the stairs as I was coming back to the train and all I could think of was how some old people just don't care about people around them and who they are holding ip. I tries to pass here 4 times with no success and just fumed on the way up. Man I suck. Oh the fickle heart of man...

This is me saying love to all....

-- Post From My iPhone