Saturday, September 22, 2007

Case Studies are informative, yet droll

I think I have bruises on my bottom. I have been learning the ways of an ER nurse for the past two weeks and it will continue with case studies until the end of next week.

I am thrilled about what I'm going to be doing and reading about it makes me want to just jump right in to the mix. I'm still learning patience... really though, it's my fault. My nurse educator asked if we wanted more classroom or if we wanted to take a break and start on the floor, but I said I wanted to be as prepared as possible. I don't want to just stand around and wait for someone to tell me what to do, I want to be aware of what is going on so I can start my own assessment and give the appropriate treatments.

I am also bonding with my co workers and like that. Since the reading is self paced, we make time for coffee breaks.... and a lot of those are needed. Understatement there. What I've always liked about the ER atmousphere is the teamwork and I feel like I am building that ground work. I've had some great Jesus talks too and I love talking bout that sorta thing.
I'm lovin it up here... thats an understatement also. I do miss home. I'm thankful that I have good coping skills also or else I think I would tear up often about things that I'm missing out on down there. Hopefully, I will be able to arrange my work schedule for the holidays so we can hop on a plane. I'm a bit unsure of the logistics due to my orientation, so just keep that in prayer paleese.
Anyhoo.. that was just my update. I figured I had time to do that since Jon is taking a little nap and it's rainy outside.
love you guys,

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