Hey all, so i don't actually know who out there is still reading this, (other than parents) but to all who are (including parents) kudos to you...Why you may ask? Because i can give them to you...that's why...so kudos...whatever those are anyway...and do you think they are edible?
well anyway, aside from the food that is always on my mind, we've had a couple of unique days...this weekend was a bit...funky. I was in a funk basically. And that's never good. Although my lovely bride and i had wonderful date night Saturday out in the East Village, along with about 2,000 santa clauses - beats me... We were able to go to our new favorite ultra cheap sushi joint called Avenue A sushi. It is yummy, however it's not cheap on the weekends, no early bird special, but it was filling and good none the less. On Sunday we did a little bit of Christmas shopping, which jeffery is busy digging around in right now, sorry Jane - he really seems to like your present, and he looks so darn cute under the tree i can't help but watch him...hence why i will be a horrible father, "Look honey, Jr's so cute playing with the skill saw!! quick take a picture!" yeah, still growing up here...afterward we were able to go and help make a Miranda Christmas house! which basically means we were able to help some friends put up a christmas tree (my first real one i can remember) and eat junk food and watch classic christmas filmage. Along with the wonderful, and unfortunately late night, was our exposure to a wonderful little card game popular in Pennsylvania called "Dutch Blitz." It may be even better than Egyptian Monkey Slap, though i haven't decided yet...so watch out Steve and Jane, we're bringing the game next time we're down...if we can only find the cards...
as to today, Walter and i met for the afternoon and worked on many details of CitiVision's existence and even managed to squeeze in solving world hunger after a solid morning prayer session where we just bared it all. it was great, and i don't use that word lightly. Concerning prayer, please be praying for our friend Joey's brother John. He had an unfortunate issue come up this weekend, he is okay, but in need of prayer, hopefully this is a God wake up call for him. As well a pastor out of Floria named Keith is dealing with colon cancer. He has young daughters and a son, as well as a wife.
in addition to that Walter and i continued to go down the road of tedious stuff that makes the summer missions experience The Next Level happen. It's been a lot of fun despite some of the more tedious elements, but that's life. I've really enjoyed getting to know a lot of the leaders from various churches, schools, universities, and such over the past couple of months. I am looking forward to the 13 weeks this summer we will be hosting teams. I thrive off of smaller group dynamics and engagement. I will really enjoy being able to share more of God's calling to urban centers and His people with the Jr. High, High school, and college\ young professionals this summer. Of course be praying for us, that we can meet the financial need for the program, as well as just be prepared b\c it is very physically demanding going from about 6 am till after midnight every day for the entire summer. we have included some time off in our schedules and have planned for 4 interns to help us, but some schedules change and all the interns we had have had to back out, so please pray for 4 (or 5) able and willing individuals to help us this summer! we desperately need them with our new plan of action for The Next Level! PRay Pray Pray!
Also exciting was a solid conversation that more clarified my role with the organization with a hopeful, strategic, and attainable goal for a steady income for me! now that's exciting! Not that it's all about $$ but i do like to feel like i'm contributing to my school loan debt reduction and the family financially...some stupid guy provider gene thing...go figure
so also please pray for where we are headed. My buddy Austin from TX has decided to stay on for another year with us. He is seeking out an apartment and trying to solidify the option he has for one now. He is a tremendous asset to us in so many ways, and not to mention i like him. He reminds me of my friend Carl from SC. except considerably shorter, and not as prone to retaliate against my harassment's with wedgies...*sighs* memories...some how money is necessary for paying bills so, while he is raising a steady amount of his own support with him moving to the city (where he really needs to be) this incurs and automatic huge cost increase in his budget.
thinking about all the things that go on behind the scenes here that you guys don't even get to hear about b\c it's so much to say, but i'm so impressed with how God is bringing people of like minds, ministry concepts, passions, and various gifts together. And i'm humbled to work along a man like Walter who is so very wise, straight forward, and just awesome. Now this is not to say we don't butt heads sometimes, or get short with each other, but it's been great being with him and seeing his love for life and love and GOd and ministry...it is also humbling to be beside him as he relates knowledge, and wisdom, and life lessons to me and with me. his humility and desire to continue to grow and remain teachable, open and rebukeable is a good reminder to my self to fight my own arrogance and pride and to revel in the joy and true Gift of our wives and the soooo unconditional love they give us...
i can't begin to say how much life has changed...how much i have changed, or tammy for that matter here. Full time ministry looks so different than i ever thought it would in college or before, while i sat in theology classes arguing mentally arrogant positions for no reason other than we could, or while is at behind pianos, guitars, or in vocal lessons thinking i'd be a full time worship leader...some people, like Jil (aka Poo Brain) thankfully have pursued those callings and will fill that role beautifully, but i am thankful for the curvy, switchback, lumpy, and foggy road of life that has lead me here. I am reminded even now of God's mercy in my life, of His never ending Grace at my screwed up everything, and His crazy love for me. As we prayed this morning i was thankfully reminded, after a frustrated rant to walter about stuff, how God is so far above all our earthly concerns with his greatness, all resources sit at his command, all knowledge and wisdom are his, the Creator of all things out of nothing, but even with that, He my great God, being above the ridiculous things i let consume me, he so desperately is interested in those same things...He is a paradox, a vast dichotomy i fail to understand and am thankful for the cause of the ignorance...
So once again, thank you to our families and friends and mentors who without we would not be where or who we are today. And to those who pray for us, please...never stop! even if it's once in a blue moon (does that really even happen?) and thank you for those prayers, we covet your battling along side us in seeing God's Kingdom take shape in an unexplainable,incomprehensible Love being lived, not religion being preached. And to those who for the last 6moths to a year and even longer have financially supported and gifted to us...THank You!!! THank you!! THank YOu!! We really are at a loss of words for your sacrifice...we live in a consumerist nation, that says money is the ultimate end. and you have made, consistently and graciously, huge sacrifices for us to be able to live out God's love in Manhattan and the rest of NYC. God bless you all...seriously, never mind the cheese sound...
I am humbled some days as i walk down the street in our neighborhood and see the shoes of kids and teens that were killed in gang violence hanging from electrical wires above me, or when i step off the subway on 33rd street by madision square garden as i head to the Gracie jujitsu studio i train at, or when is stand barking push up counts at a bunch of kids, whose parents have entrusted me to teach Martial Arts and to help their children realize their potential...we live in New York City, NYC, the place people would die to be. Rightly called by new yorkers, the true capital of America, the greatest city in the world (i'm still holding out that Tokyo may be cooler...slightly) and we live here, everyday of our lives, likely we will raise our children here, we will set in place a legacy of God's grace and mercy for thousands of people of many years of slow, practical, loving, tedious, and joyful ministry...Thank you.
your humbled brother,
and thank you to the Working Title for providing pleasant and appropriate background listening for this post...