Sunday, November 18, 2007

Yes, it's very cold up here.

I have much to share after being M.I.A. for a couple of months:) I can't believe it's already November. Thanksgiving is next week!!! I'm so excited. I'm also very excited about my new niece that is "on the way". My brother Brian and sis in love Sarah are eaglery awaiting the birth of Amelia.

I just wanted to share with you guys something that I found while I was plundering in old folders in the computer. I looked at this earlier in the week and was simply amazed. It was hidden somehow in my nursing things.... I haven't looked at nursing school files since April. Anyway, here it is. It is a record of what I wrote down last November. I just knew it was going to be monumental and I never wanted to forget it. So, here it is:

November 11, 2006

Happy Saturday. That’s what Jon and I had decided we were going to have. After sleeping in and grabbing some breakfast at Perkins we were off to buy Molly and Jeffery a new home. Expansion was deemed necessary. This expansion was 3 stories of fun and excitement for the kids and we were happy with our purchase. Driving home, we encountered this lovely older gent that decided he wanted some LAHA (La Hacienda)for lunch. He turns into our lane about 4 feet in front of us and Jon slams on the breaks, the air bags fly out and amazingly no one was hurt. That’s good stuff. The car was most definitely totaled. The cool thing is that Jon didn’t get busted for his expired license and the older gent was just so very chatty. He had no clue. The officer was very helpful and laid back... actually from NYC. God blessed us with free lunch at Taco Bell later in the day as well. A nice perk to allow His children to smile and realize that He is always in control.

November 15, 2006

So, the car has been declared Totaled. The estimate is $4,273. This part is amazing and hard for me all at the same time and it will take a bit of explanation to really understand how cool God is and how He is always working and loving His children. About a year ago, Joey and Cel decided not to renew the lease on their apt. trusting in God that He would provide a place for them that is bigger to raise Melania. But, they didn’t get the loan for the new apt they were looking at or the vote to get into the coop. Through disappointment, but total assurance that God knew what was going on, they moved into Cel’s parents’ house. They decided they would use this time to search for another building and save up some money. A few months later, Joey’s parents were at risk for loosing their house. Joey knew that God was leading him to care for his parent’s and provide for them with the money that was saved up for the down payment on the apt., which was $8,000, the exact amount needed to save the house from going under. Wow. The faith. The trust. Joey knew that this was the Lord’s plan so he willingly offered this to be God’s hands on earth even though He was scared and wanted the best for his family. Well, over the past few weeks Joey and Cel have been letting us in on their plans so that we can be in prayer. Jon and I have been praying that they would get approved for the vote on the coop as well as get accepted for a loan they need. These two things have both happened. Well, a couple days before the car accident, Joey told Jon to be in prayer for them because they needed $4,000 for a down payment on the apt. I think Jon and I both knew at that moment what was going on with the car accident. We had been questioning why we lost the car when we only had 5 months until our move date… now we knew. The Lord started leading us to give the money to Joey and Cel. It is taking faith and trust… This is hard for both of us. It is scary. The selfish want is to keep the money and save it for our move.. I have learned though, that my provision doesn’t come from my job, my family, or my friends. It comes only from God. It takes trusting in God’s purpose and His plan…Not only for our personal lives. I have to be aware of God’s plans for His body and His church. I know that God will provide for Jon and I the exact same way that He has provided for Joey and Joey's parents. Jon and I are eager and excited to see what God has in store for us and the way He will do it. I want to share these experiences to not forget, but also to build others’ up who are unsure of the future or God’s amazing provision.

So... I guess that is all for now. I'm glad that I kept that journal. I forgot the little details.. like how the officer helping us during the car accident was from NYC. The crazy thing is that Jon and I survived with only one car for the last 6 months of our time in SC. We were both in school full time and working! One of my friends from nursing school, who is also a Christian, offered to drive me to and from school/clinicals for Novmeber classes. God arranged it so we were in the same classes for the rest of nursing school = November - April. The crazy thing about that is the nursing instructors would intentionally try to separate students that had already been in class together....

Well, I am going to keep up with the blog now. It's been hard the past couple of months with working full time.. I mean honestly, I had the whole summer off:) I became accustomed to sleeping in until 10:30am. ahaha.

I am still in orientation with my job. I start night shift in two weeks, so pray for me that my body will adjust well. Jon is steadily working with CitiVision and also his martial arts buisness. He is leaving for Dallas, TX the week after Thanksgiving.. I think the dates are Nov. 27-30. He and Walter are going to be meeting with future partners and sponsors. Be in prayer that they are safe and the ministry will grow.

I love you guys... sorry for the M.I.A status:)